Covid 19 Vaccination Programme
The Covid 19 vaccination programme will be rolled out in school shortly, (date to be confirmed). In the meantime, please refer to the documents below, these may address any questions you may have.
Name | |
PHE_12073_COVID-19_guide_for_all_CYP (1).pdf | Download |
PHE_12073_COVID-19_Parents FAQs_A4_04 (WEB).pdf | Download |
UKHSA_12073_COVID-19_easy_read_jab_consent_form_CYP.pdf | Download |
UKHSA_12073_easy_read_COVID_vaccine_at_risk_CYP.pdf | Download |
UKHSA_12073_easy_read_COVID_vaccine_at_risk_CYP.pdf | Download |
Coronavirus Information
Most people can no longer access free testing for COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections are very similar. It is not possible to tell if you have COVID-19, flu or another respiratory infection based on symptoms alone.
Symptoms of COVID-19, flu and common respiratory infections include:
• continuous cough
• high temperature, fever or chills
• loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell
• shortness of breath
• unexplained tiredness, lack of energy
• muscle aches or pains that are not due to exercise
• not wanting to eat or not feeling hungry
• headache that is unusual or longer lasting than usual
• sore throat, stuffy or runny nose
• diarrhoea, feeling sick or being sick
If a pupil has symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as COVID-19, and they have a high temperature or do not feel well enough to come to school/work or carry out normal activities, they are advised to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until 24 hours after they no longer have a high temperature.
People who are at higher risk from COVID-19 and other respiratory infections include:
• older people
• those who are pregnant
• those who are unvaccinated
• people of any age whose immune system means they are at higher risk of serious illness
• people of any age with certain long-term conditions
The following actions will reduce the chance of passing on infection to others:
• wear a well-fitting face covering made with multiple layers or a surgical face mask
• avoid crowded places such as public transport, large social gatherings, or anywhere that is enclosed or poorly ventilated
• take any exercise outdoors in places where you will not have close contact with other people
• cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze; wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser after coughing, sneezing and blowing your nose and before you eat or handle food; avoid touching your face.
When children, young people and staff with symptoms should stay at home and when they can return to education
When individuals with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, or slight cough, who are otherwise well, can continue to attend their education setting.
Pupils aged 18 years and under
It is not recommended that children and young people are tested for COVID-19 unless directed to by a health professional.
If a child or young person has a positive COVID-19 test result or displays symptoms including high temperature, fever or chills, they should stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days after the day they took the test.
At the end of this period, if the individual has a high temperature or feels unwell, they should continue to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until 24 hours after they no longer have a high temperature and they feel well enough to resume normal activities.
After 3 days, if they feel well and do not have a high temperature, the risk of passing the infection on to others is much lower. This is because children and young people tend to be infectious to other people for less time than adults.
Children and young people who usually go to school, college or childcare and who live with someone who has a positive COVID-19 test result should continue to attend as normal.
Contacts of those with a positive test result
Contacts are at lower risk of becoming infected and do not need to stay away from school or college.
Avoiding transmission
To avoid infection spreading in a school or college Head teachers and Senior Leaders are advised to continue to:
- Encourage staff and pupils to get vaccinated
- Ensure their schools and classrooms are well ventilated.
- Support the practise of good hygiene
Face coverings
Face coverings and face masks can help reduce the chance of spreading infection to others, especially in crowded and enclosed spaces, and may protect individuals from becoming infected by some respiratory viruses.
COVID-19 self-test help:
COVID-19 home test: step-by-step guide:
Understanding lateral flow antigen testing for people without symptoms:
Students with a positive LFD test result will need to self-isolate in line with the Those with a negative LFD test result can continue to attend school unless they have individually been advised otherwise by NHS Test and Trace or Public Health professionals (for example as a close contact)
Some Frequently Asked Questions
Living safely with respiratory infections, including COVID-19
Department for Education coronavirus helpline
The Department for Education coronavirus helpline is available to answer questions about COVID-19 relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline as follows:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours:
8am to 6pm – Monday to Friday
10am to 6pm – Saturday and Sunday
Advice for parents/how you can continue to support the measures
Please continue to be aware of COVID symptoms, follow the below guidance and keep up to date with any changes.
Students using ERYC school bus facility
If your child uses either school or public transport to travel to school, they will be required to wear a face covering. Disposable coverings should be thrown away after each use, so it is recommended that reusable cloth coverings are used. If a student loses their mask during the school day and requires one for their journey home, the school will be able to provide a one-use disposable mask. Please see Government Guidance below.
Testing and tracing for coronavirus
If a student or a member of your family have symptoms, we would ask that you remain at home and follow isolation rules and we encourage you to take part in the NHS tracing programme. If you are ever unsure, please ring the school and we will do our best to advise. Further links are available on our Important Information page and can be found by clicking here
When to self-isolate and what to do
Advice of shielding
If you would like more information and further advice on shielding, we have provided the link below.
Guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak:
East Riding Local Offer page, available below, aims to keep you all notified of the current guidance and information from Central Government and Public Health:
Coping Calendar - Keep Calm/Stay Wise/Be Kind/Helpful Resources
BPS - Talking to Children about Coronavirus. COVID-19 How can I support my child with their anxiety? - Great tick box tool to help support your - supporting children and young people with autism during the Coronavirus.
Safeguarding Resources and Links:
The following links/contact numbers provided to help parents and professionals:
Early Help, Guidance and Support:
NSPCC helpline: 0808 800 5000 If you're worried about a child, even if you're unsure, contact NSPCC professional counsellors for help, advice and support.
Childline 0800 1111: offers free, confidential advice and support for any child 18 years or under, whatever the worry.
MIND: Mental Health Support with specific advice on ‘Coronavirus and your wellbeing’
Youngminds: offers support to children and young people and their parents/carers with their mental health and wellbeing. Specific advice on managing self-isolation and anxiety about coronavirus. Please select our 'Support Networks' page here.
Family Relationships:
Covid-19 advice and tips for healthy relationships can be found at:
SafeLives have developed specific resources for domestic abuse and COVID-19 for both professionals and families around DA:
National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247
School Nurse
In light of the guidance, support nurses are available 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday, via ChatHealth.
Health Visitors and School Nurses site below. This website is a useful resource for Parent/Carer queries, and also contains information to support young people.
Duty teams are also available to answer any queries. For each localities duty team please see the following link: