COVID-19 catch-up premium report
The government has announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up. We have provided information relating to the £1 billion of funding announced on 19 June 2020, which explains the help available to students and disadvantaged young people who need to catch up on missed education because of coronavirus (COVID-19). We have provided our summary report below, which explains what the catch-up funding is for, what The Hub School will receive and the planned expenditure.
Please find our COVID-19 catch-up premium spending summary by clicking here
The Hub School: Need to know financials 2019/20
1. How we are funded?
The Hub School is a maintained school within the county of East Yorkshire. It is funded by way of place funding within a broader Service Level Agreement (SLA) which describes what the school can offer in terms of educational provision, numbers and standards.
In addition, this SLA describes wider obligations and accountabilities for both the School and the Local Authority including specific funding values for each place provided by the school. Dependent on provision type, funding levels vary between £30 and £10k per place. In addition, a contribution to the wider costs to educate are provided by referring schools. All such costs are prorated.
Further to the revenue income received, additional grant monies can be awarded in the following areas:
2. Funding for 2019/20: Summary
In addition, the agreed allocation of additional Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) funding for this period is £38,635. This includes an allocation for deprivation and free school meals; service children and those children who have been in the care of a referring local authority known as post Looked after Children.
An allocation of £417.00 was received for purposes of the PE Grant.
No additional funds were received for Year 7 catch up grants in the year ending 2019/20.