Springhead Lane, Anlaby Common, Eastriding of Yorkshire, HU5 5YJ

01482 304200

Welcome to The Hub School

Performance Data

Whole school progress and achievement data

Judging overall progress and achievement of students with a very wide range of personal needs is complex.  The school roll is highly fluid, number of students in each year group is variable and the cohort size is small.  

While a student’s individual needs are taken into consideration we use a range of indicators to measure progress. These include:

  • The student’s education history including any prior attainment such as KS2 or KS3 SAT scores and attendance.
  • We use FFT Aspire to inform our setting of ‘academic’ targets for students. Initial targets are set against FFT 50 although at any given time about 10% of our roll do not have an FFT generated initial target.
  • We use a range of baseline assessments including the GL Emotional Literacy assessment, well-being wheel and BKSB.
  • Progress made from the time of joining The Hub School. Our key aims are to address any gaps in core subject understanding and skills and to close the gap to expected end of Key Stage 4 attainment. Progress data is collected and analysed on a termly basis and interventions planned at subject level and individual levels for emotional well-being.
  • Progress and targets are described in Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and in the annual review of the ‘Statement of Special Educational Needs’ or ‘Education Health and Care Plan’.
  • At the end of each academic year parents and carers will receive an Annual School Report detailing their child’s progress and achievement in each curriculum area.
  • Senior leadership observations.
  • The views of students collated through theme based surveys and student voice meetings.
  • Parent/carer views on the achievements and progress of their child.
  • End of Key Stage 4 examination results and analysis. As a new school the results from 2017/2018 represent the first set of fully collated results for the school. Please see summary report.
  • Post-16 destination data. 
  • External validation from ERYC School Improvement Partner, partnership working with other specialist provisions and other agencies such as OFSTED. 

KS4 Destination Data 2022/2023

Destination- EHCP learners




Further education or other FE provider




Other Education Destination



Sixth Form- state funded






Destination not sustained








Summary Report for End of Key Stage 4 Results
Measure Number or Percentage
Students on roll at the end of Key Stage 4 53

Students on roll achieving a standard pass (grade 4 or above) in English

3  (6%)

Students on roll achieving a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English

3  (6%)

Students on roll achieving a 9-1 or equivalent pass in English

23  (43%)

Students on roll achieving a standard pass (grade 4 or above) in mathematics

2  (4%)

Students on roll achieving a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in mathematics

1  (2%)

Students on roll achieving a 9-1 or equivalent pass in Mathematics

19  (36%)

BASICS - Students on roll achieving a standard pass (grade 4 or above) in BOTH English and mathematics

1  (2%)

BASICS - Students on roll achieving a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in BOTH English and mathematics

0  (0%)